New Site

I decided to bite the bullet and make a website. I hope you like it.

You’ll find various professional materials collected here, complete with links and downloads. I also hope to use this site as a place to make available some of the datasets from my research and to share occasional thoughts on whatever materials or methods happen to excite me at the moment.

As for the site itself, I wanted something that was minimalist in both aesthetics and organization in order to keep content local, get under the hood, and get more experience with HTML, CSS, and the command line along the way. I decided on the open-source static site generator Hugo, GitHub Pages hosting, and the theme Manis, with some tweaks of my own.

Having experimented with a few other options first (and only really broken my git workflow once) I’m quite pleased with this setup. I’ll probably have more to say about it in either blog post or workshop format in the coming weeks.